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    Learning red family tradition and moral teachings, to reinforce education on Party conduct and integrity - the Marxism College of Shenzhen University visited the Shenzhen Municipal Archives for a hands-on learning visit.


    To further study and implement Xi Jinping’s thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, learn and carry forward the glorious tradition and integrity spirit of the Party, on October 12, the Party Committee of the Marxism College of Shenzhen University organized teachers, students and Party members to visit the “Family Style of the Communist Party of China” and Shenzhen Party History HallinShenzhen Archives and carry out the theme education of discipline education and learning month. Party Secretary Wang Hong, Deputy Party Secretary Wang Ping, and representatives of teachers, students and Party members of the college participated in the activity.

    Guided by the commentator, teachers from the Marxism College of Shenzhen University walked close to Shenzhen Archives. The exhibition takes the family style stories of 32 outstanding Party members, especially the older generation of revolutionaries, as the main line, focusing on three aspects: “the family style of the older generation of revolutionaries”, “the family style of revolutionary martyrs” and “the family style of outstanding Party members since the founding of New China”. By reviewing more than 240 archival materials such as letters, family rules, and conversation records between outstanding Party members and their families, the exhibition vividly demonstrated the advanced nature of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries in different periods in terms of ideals, beliefs, purpose, awareness, integrity and self-discipline, and vividly interpreted the selfless spirit of outstanding Party members who gave up their small families to care for everyone and the good family style of education by setting themselves as a good example.

    During the visit, teachers and students stopped in front of the materials on display to look and take photos from time to time, and actively expressed that the family style stories of the older generation of revolutionaries gave them a profound inspiration, vividly reflecting the revolutionary beliefs and moral outlook of Party members, such as the three principles of Chairman Mao’s family style: “love your relatives but never practice favoritism for them; show concern for your old friends but neverseek personal gains for them; and help your relatives but never blindly provide support for them”, or the “ten family rules” set by Premier Zhou at the beginning of the founding of New China, or Deng Xiaoping’s warm words to all grandchildren: “You should learn some skills to contribute to our country; evenwithout big skills, you can try to learn those small or middle-level skills”.

    Through this visit, the teachers and students of the Marxism College of Shenzhen University became deeply aware of the importance of teaching by word and example, and that as teachers, they should be the practitioners, promoters and models of cultivating the good family style and integrity education of Party members in the new era, and in the future teaching, they would also strictly hold themselves to higher standards, imperceptibly improve students’ ideological and moral consciousness in the classroom, and always maintain the political character of honesty and integrity.