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    "Combining Education with Fun, Youth Contributes to the "Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand" Initiative – A Report on the School of Marxism's Volunteer Teaching Program


    On July 16, the "Sparks Ignite the Prairie" Volunteer Teaching Team from the School of Marxism at Shenzhen University responded to the Party’s call through concrete action. They joined the "Double Hundred Action" and the "Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Project" Youth Commando Shenzhen University Volunteer Teaching Service, carefully preparing a summer camp for Da'an Middle School in Lufeng City. During the seven-day summer camp, eighth-grade students from Da'an Middle School and the faculty and students from the School of Marxism shared experiences, gained knowledge, and developed their abilities. The faculty and students contributed to rural education in Lufeng, composing a "youth song" for rural revitalization and adding to the efforts to support the rural development initiative.                      

    1. Opening Ceremony: Quickly Breaking the Ice

    The summer camp kicked off with a series of creative and fun icebreaker activities. The students from the School of Marxism carefully designed each part, ensuring that every student could showcase themselves and get to know others in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. These activities not only quickly brought the faculty and students from the School of Marxism closer to the students of Da'an Middle School, but also successfully built a bridge of communication and understanding amidst laughter. This laid a strong foundation of motivation and support for the upcoming teaching and learning activities.                      

    2. General Knowledge Classes: Embarking on New Learning

    The faculty and students from the School of Marxism carefully designed the general knowledge courses to be both broad and deep, aiming to cultivate students’ critical thinking and interdisciplinary approaches. The courses covered a wide range of engaging topics, including "The Early Days of New China's Industry," "The Journey Through China's Reform and Opening Up," "Chinese Youth and a Youthful China," "Life Auction," "Emotional Self-Help Guide," and "The Adventures of Oracle Bone Script." The students responded enthusiastically to the courses, expressing that they not only gained new knowledge but also learned how to think critically and view issues from different perspectives. Many students continued to explore and research the topics in depth even after the courses ended.                      

    3. Activity Classes: Learning Through Fun

    The faculty and students from the School of Marxism designed a series of exciting and engaging activity classes for the students. Here, learning became an adventurous journey filled with fun and challenges. The "Century-Long Pursuit: Learning Party History with Action" combined historical knowledge with game elements, making history lively and interesting. The "Brainstorming Knowledge Challenge" was a competition of knowledge and intelligence, where students raced against each other in a quiz. The "Frozen Beauty of Art – Traditional Handicraft" activity allowed students to appreciate the depth and artistic value of Chinese traditional culture through hands-on practice. Through these activities, students found joy in learning and grew in the process. Not only did they gain new knowledge, but they also developed teamwork, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills through practical experiences.                     

    4. Graduation Ceremony: A Successful Conclusion

    The graduation ceremony was not only the end of the summer camp but also an emotional highlight for the students. The faculty and students from the School of Marxism, along with the participants, reflected on the memorable moments of the camp, each filled with fond memories and heartfelt emotions. The students freely shared their thoughts and experiences, expressing deep gratitude for this journey. Student Liu remarked at the ceremony, "This summer camp taught me so much, not just knowledge, but also how to interact with others and face challenges." His words echoed the feelings of all the students. This summer camp not only provided the students of Da'an Middle School with knowledge but also important skills like teamwork, self-management, and emotional regulation. "This is the best summer camp I’ve ever participated in, every day was filled with surprises and challenges," concluded student Zhou.                     

    "Young people should inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, remain steadfast in listening to and following the Party, and strive to become idealistic, responsible, hardworking, and determined youth of the new era." This expectation from General Secretary Xi Jinping serves as a guiding principle for every young student. Each day of the summer camp, the faculty and students from the School of Marxism demonstrated and embodied the spirit of the new generation through their actions. This experience will become a valuable asset for the students, inspiring them to continue striving and reaching new heights in their future studies and careers.