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    Forum of the Practice of Reform and Opening up and Shenzhen Special Zone and the Special Party Course on Party History Education Successfully Held at the Marxism College


    On the afternoon of November 17th, the Forum of the Practice of Reform and Opening up and Shenzhen Special Zone and the Special Party Course on Party History Education were successfully held todeepen the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20thNCCPC. Professor Xiao Donglian, a renowned expert in Party history, contemporary Chinese history, and the history of reform and opening up, gave a lecture titled “Looking Backon the 1980s, Why China’s Marketization Reform Was Successful”. The teachers and students of the Marxism College participated in this lecture and special Party class, which were presided over by Professor Xu Jianhua, Vice Dean of the Marxism College.

    Professor Xiao Donglian delved into the various factors and historical opportunities of the reform in the 1980s from seven aspects: firstly, why did China's reform occur?The reason for China's reform was crisis-driven. From a broad historical perspective, any reform originates from internal and external challenges and crises. Secondly, how did China's reform start and make breakthroughs? In the face of uncertainty and unpredictable risks, local experiments were encouraged, and local enterprises and people were given a certain degree of autonomy. Through repeated experiments, experience was accumulated, as a global policy was developed finally. Thirdly, the rural reform played a significant role. In terms of policy, the pioneering breakthroughs in rural reform promoted the formation of consensus on reform; in terms of economy, the rural reform unleashed enormous market forces. Fourthly, why was a dual track transition adopted in the 1980s? It was not feasible without the dual track system because it was more stable and risk diversified. Fifthly, opening up promotes reform. Reform can only make breakthroughs in an open environment, and there can be no real reform in a closed environment. Sixthly, the characteristics of high-level decision-making include an open decision-making mechanism and the consideration of numerous factors by decision-makers. The seventh is Deng Xiaoping's role. The wisdom of Mr. Deng was to respect common sense, laws, and human nature. Many reform measures could not have been implemented without Mr. Deng’s support. At last, Professor Xiao Donglian pointed out that the reform and opening up have opened a Pandora's box, releasing the other side of human nature. China has also experienced a period of barbaric growth, and it is an inevitable requirement to gradually move onto the track of institutionalization and legalization.

    At the end of the lecture, Professor Xu Jianhua expressed gratitude to Professor Xiao Donglian for his lecture and gave a concluding speech, pointing out that it was an academic lecture with a broad perspective and rich content, as well as a vivid lesson in Party history. Professor Xiao, from the perspective of a historian, used a large amount of historical facts and unique perspectives to explore the background of history and the logic and trajectory behind major events, which demonstrated the exploratory characteristics and historical opportunities of the early stages of the reform and opening up in all aspects for us. We are in themidst of this great historical process of reform and opening up, and we need to continuously strengthen theoretical learning, improve work ability and professional level, enhance the ability to use the great conception of history to analyze and understand issues in our learning and work. We learn from history to create a better future.