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    The Academic Seminar on The Spirit of the 20th NCCPC and Opening up a New Realm of Sinicization and Modernization of Marxism successfully held at the School of Marxism


    On December 10, the academic seminar on The Spirit of the 20thNCCPC and Opening up a New Realm of Sinicization and Modernization of Marxism was held at Shenzhen University. The seminar wasjointly hosted by the Centerof Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of CASS and Shenzhen University, and organized by Institute of Contemporary Chinese Thought and Culture, Shenzhen International Development Strategy Research Center, the Marxism College, and Office of Social Science Administration of Shenzhen University. Experts and scholars from domestic universities and research institutes, such as Institute of Marxism Research of CASS, the Center of Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of CASS, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing International Studies University, South China Normal University, Shenzhen University, and Shenzhen Social Science Academy, attended this seminar.

    Xin Xiangyang, aresearcher and Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Dean of Institute of Marxism Research and executive director of the Center of Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of CASS, explained how Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era used Marxist worldview and methodology to understand, analyze, and solve problems, from five aspects in his keynote speech, including the scientific summary of the significant achievements and historical experiences of CPC’s century long strive, the scientific summary of the extraordinary five years since the 19thNCCPC and the great changes in the new era of ten years, promoting comprehensive deepening of reform and continuously deepening its development in depth, determining CPC’s central task based on the main contradictions in China’s society, deepening the understanding of the history and characteristics of Chinese civilization, and better administration the socialist market economy.

    Gong Yun, aresearcher and Vice Dean of Institute of Marxism Research and Executive Director of the Center of Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of CASS, put forward his own views on how to solidly promote common prosperity at the 20thNCCPC during the seminar: firstly, fully recognize the significance of common prosperity; secondly, the connotation of common prosperity should be fully understood; finally, the process of common prosperity should be comprehensively promoted.

    Lin Jianhua, aresearcher andDeputy Dean of Institute of Marxism Research andDeputy Dean of School of Marxism of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, expounded his views on the topic of "the meaning, purpose and logical mechanism of the new era of social revolution led by the CPC’s self-targeted revolution". He believes that the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a great social revolution, and the self-targeted revolution is the second answer that the CPC has found to jump out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos control. As he noted, the CPC’s self-targeted revolution should be adhered to lead the social revolution in the new ear and on the new journey.

    Li Yonghua, a professor and Vice President of Shenzhen University, pointed out that the 20thNCCPC defined the mission and task of the CPC for the new era and new journey, and created a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Theoretical practitioners in universities must make great efforts to study, promote, and implement the spirit of the 20thNCCPC, strengthen their political stance, effectively enhance their sense of political responsibility and mission, and demonstrate their determination on carrying out the mission in the new era and on the new journey.

    Professor Zheng Chengjun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing International Studies University, made an in-depth elaboration on the world significance of the Chinese path to modernization. He noted that the Chinese path to modernization has three main world significance: first, it has enriched the achievements of human civilization and created a new form of human civilization; secondly, it has expanded the new path of global modernization, overcome the disadvantages of the modernization model of the West, broken the uniqueness of the modernization path of the West, and weakened the hegemony of Western modernization discourse; thirdly, it has enriched and developed scientific socialism.

    Gao Zhonghua, a professor from the Party History Teaching and Research Department of Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, mainly explained the idea of "daring to and being good at struggle" in the change from "Two Musts" to "Three Musts". Professor Gao Zhonghua noted that under the guidance of Marxism, the CPC has constantly innovated the traditional Chinese philosophy of struggle, especially focusing on the people and carrying forward the spirit of struggle, which has become the core of the CPC's spirit of struggle.Throughout its century-long strive, the Party has always determined political tasksaccording to the objects of struggle, made political judgments based on the situation of struggle,andadhered to the unity of principles and flexibility in struggle methods. This continuous accumulation of experience has developed a great spirit of struggle.The concept of daring to and being good at struggle not only reflects the Party's wisdom in struggle, but has become a component of the Party's spiritual lineage as well.

    Professor Chen Jinlong, Dean of the School of Marxism of South China Normal University, pointed out that we are now connecting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the Chinese path to modernization, that is, comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the Chinese path to modernization. To explain the problem of national rejuvenation, it is also important to clarify the Chinese path to modernization. Professor Chen Jinlong noted that this proposition contains three levels of meaning: first, promote national rejuvenationwith the Chinese path to modernization; secondly, promote national rejuvenation with the creation and accumulation of civilization of Chinese path to modernization; thirdly, promote national rejuvenation with the worldview and methodology contained in the Chinese path to modernization.

    Yang Jian, Vice President of Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences, expressed his views on the significance of scientifically understanding the methodology of adhering to a confident and independent worldview. He noted that the basic principle of adhering to self-confidence and self-reliance emphasized by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of CPC, should be to independently deal with and write the chapter of Marxism, and to independently follow China's own path. This is an important basis for the theoretical and practical innovation of CPC since the 18thNCCPC.

    At this seminar, experts and scholars from all over the country also discussed and exchangedviews on topics such as the great changesin the new eraof the past 10 years, as well as the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

    Li Yonghua, Vice President of Shenzhen University, gives the welcome speech.

    Gong Yun, aresearcher andDeputy Dean of Institute of Marxism Research and Executive Director of the Center of Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of CASS, makes a speech.

    A group photo of the teachers and students attending the seminar