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    Marx Institute held the lecture series on "lectures on Humanities and Social Sciences in Shenzhen University", "the third volume of Xi Jinping's talk about governing the country".


    On the afternoon of October 23rd, the Marx Institute held the "lecture series on Humanities and Social Sciences lectures in Shenzhen University" at the 1600 conference room of the Hui Wen building. It invited the professor of the Marx School of Tsinghua University and Liu Shulin, deputy editor in chief of the Journal of Ideological and theoretical education, to carry out the third volume study guidance lecture for Xi Jinping. The graduate students and teachers of the Marxism Institute listened to the report.

    In his report, Professor Liu Shulin introduced the relevant information and contents published in the third volume of Xi Jinping's talk about governing the country, and made a thorough and detailed explanation of the third volume of Xi Jinping's theory of governing the country from new contents, new features and learning methods. Professor Liu Shulin pointed out that the third volume of Xi Jinping's talk on governing the country is the innovative achievement after China's socialist ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics has become a rigorous system system in the new era of Xi Jinping, and it is a guiding ideology after the Constitution and constitution have been written. Universities should use it as an important textbook for ideological and political education of teachers and students, and systematically grasp the Marx's stand view. The law combines the spirit of the nineteen major reports of the party and the "learning outline of Xi Jinping's new socialist China thought", "thirty lectures on Xi Jinping's new socialist China's characteristics," and "the general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech reader". At the same time, Professor Liu Shulin combined with the third conditions of the formation of Xi Jinping's "China's governing the country", including the formation conditions, core meaning, core connotation and theoretical character, and made an in-depth interpretation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

    This report received positive responses from teachers and students. The teachers and students agreed that the report is of great significance for China to integrate the theoretical connotation of the third volume of Xi Jinping's theory of governance and systematically study and implement Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, enhance its own theoretical literacy and improve its political standing.