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    The third series of reports on Ideological and political theory course for doctoral students


    On the morning of September 30, a series of lectures on Ideological and political theory courses for doctoral students were held at h4-201, liberal arts building. We have the honor to invite Professor Tian Qibo, director of the Social Sciences Department of Shenzhen University and doctoral supervisor, to give a special report on "the trend of contemporary social development and the consolidation and improvement of the socialist system" to the doctoral students. Professor Tian Qibo, with his years of research experience, profound theoretical knowledge and vivid language, discusses with his classmates the current social development trend and how to consolidate and improve the socialist system.

    First of all, Professor Tian Qibo pointed out that the current society is in a great change that has not happened in a century. The change of the world economic center of gravity: the shift from the east coast of the Atlantic (Western Europe) to the west coast of the Atlantic (the United States); the change of the world political pattern: the parallelization of non westernization and multi polarization, the intensification of the game and strategic competition among the great powers; the change of the process of Globalization: the emerging economies have grown into a new force to promote globalization; the change of science and technology and Industry: a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution Although the United States still plays a leading role, China, India and other emerging countries also perform well; changes in Global Governance: governance objects are becoming more and more complex. Secondly, Professor Tian Qibo pointed out that the current society is full of dangers and risks. The competition between China and the United States is manifested in trade frictions between China and the United States, the suppression of high-tech enterprises, the Hong Kong issue, the Taiwan issue, the Tibet issue in Xinjiang, the South China Sea issue, and the new crown epidemic situation. The future victory of the Sino-U.S. dispute will be seen clearly in the Sino US economic and trade games. Finally, Professor Tian Qibo pointed out that, looking at the whole world, the anti globalization wave promoted by individual countries based on protectionism is coming fiercely, and there are always conflicts between different systems and systems. All these require us to constantly improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and further consolidate and expand the institutional advantages of socialism. Under the framework of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to construct a set of modern national governance system and improve the governance ability and governance ability in the new era. We are in a time when it is more and more difficult and dangerous to advance, and if we do not advance, we must show the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics in all aspects through various innovative means. Only in this way can we break through the difficulties and obstacles on the long march of the new era and leave behind all the encirclement, pursuit and interception behind us.

    School of Marxism, Shenzhen University

    September 30, 2020