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    Shenzhen University School of Marxism Conducts Grassroots Lectures on the Spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session


    Studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee's Third Plenary Session is a major political task for the entire Party and the nation, both now and in the future. The School of Marxism at Shenzhen University has proactively taken on this responsibility, leveraging its academic and expert strengths to bring the spirit of the plenary session to the grassroots level, ensuring it takes root and flourishes. On September 4 and September 5, 2024, Professor Liu Zhi, Dean of the School of Marxism and a member of the Shenzhen Municipal Lecture Team, visited the New Era Civilization Practice Centers in Luohu District and Guangming District. He delivered a keynote report titled "Further Deepening Reform to Broaden the Prospects of Chinese-Style Modernization—In-Depth Study and Understanding of the Spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee's Third Plenary Session," aimed at grassroots cadres and the public.


    Professor Liu Zhi focused on three key aspects in his in-depth analysis of the significance of the 20th CPC Central Committee's Third Plenary Session and the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping: "An Important Meeting Held at a Critical Time," "The Main Content of Xi Jinping's Speech and the Decision," and "Key Relationships to Understand in Grasping the Spirit of the Plenary Session." He highlighted that the 20th CPC Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session was a highly significant meeting held at a crucial time for advancing the building of a strong nation and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization. The *Decision* passed at the plenary session has a clear theme, focused priorities, and practical measures. It is a political declaration radiating the brilliance of Marxist truth, a call to carry out reform to the end on this new journey, and a roadmap for further deepening reforms. Professor Liu emphasized that to thoroughly study and understand the spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee's Third Plenary Session, it is essential to grasp several key relationships: "continuity" and "innovation," "politics" and "economy," and improving the Party’s leadership while advancing Chinese-style modernization. By doing so, we can effectively implement the plenary session's spirit, unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, uphold the banner of reform and opening-up, and work tirelessly to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization.


    The atmosphere at the lecture was lively, with a strong and enthusiastic response from the audience. Attendees expressed that Professor Liu Zhi's presentation was clear in theme, rich in content, focused, and easy to understand. It provided strong guidance for comprehensively and accurately understanding the significance, depth, and core spirit of the plenary session. To enhance the learning experience and help cadres and the public deepen their understanding, the School of Marxism at Shenzhen University distributed study manuals. The lecture further strengthened the commitment of grassroots cadres and the public to deepening reform and inspired them to fully implement the spirit of the plenary session, advancing bravely in the course of Chinese-style modernization and the construction of a strong city.