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    Academic Lecture at the Philosophy and Social Science Forum of the School of Marxism, Shenzhen University: The glorious history and valuable experience of the Chinese Communist Party in the past 100 years


    On the morning of May 29th, Luo Wendong, secretary of the party committee, deputy director, second-level researcher of the Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, professor and doctoral tutor of the School of Marxism, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was invited to give a lecture online on the Academic Lecture of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Forum of the School of Marxism, Shenzhen University.The academic lecture was entitled "One Hundred Years of Glorious History and Valuable Experience of the Communist Party of China". The lecture was presided over by Associate Professor Sun Tingting, deputy dean of the School of Marxism, Shenzhen University.

    Professor Luo Wendong first reviewed and sorted out the glorious history of the Communist Party of China since the founding of the Communist Party of China from four stages. First, the period of the new democratic revolution. From the founding of the Communist Party of China to the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China has worked hard to explore, to develop bravely, and to go through trials and tribulations. Professor Luo believes that without the Party’s leading the people to achieve the great victory of the new democratic revolution and to complete the historical leap from feudal dictatorship to the people's democratic dictatorship China's fate of being slaughtered by others would not be fundamentally changed. Second, the period of socialist revolution and construction. During this period, the Communist Party of China creatively completed the transition from New Democracy to Socialism, and started a historical journey of modernization on the road of socialism. Third, the new stage of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. Professor Luo emphasized that over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the party and the country have made great achievements in various undertakings, which have accumulated valuable experience for the modernization drive.The fourth stage is the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Entering the new era, the Party leads the great struggle under the new historical conditions, promotes the overall layout of the "five in one" and the strategic layout of the "four comprehensives", and promotes the development process of the great cause of building a strong country.

    Subsequently, Professor Luo Wendong summed up the valuable experience of the Communist Party of China in creating historical achievements from three aspects: politics, theory and practice. Professor Luo emphasized that to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we must adhere to the political stance of the supremacy of the people, maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people, adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, continuously promote theoretical innovation and theoretical arming, and adhere to the strong spirit of revolutionary struggle in order to promote social revolution with the party's self-revolution.

    Closely combining history and reality, Professor Luo Wendong made an in-depth summary and analysis of the glorious history and valuable experience of the Communist Party of China in the past 100 years. The lecture was full of details and thought-provoking.

    School of Marxism 2021/5/10 9:31:00