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    SZU Party Secretary Li Qingquan joins "Talks on A Starry Night" May 4th Event by the Marxism College in Celebration of SZU’s 40th Anniversary


    Amid a gust of breeze, the lights were just turned on as darkness fell. On the eve of the 74thChinese Youth Day, the CPC Committee of the Marxism College hosted a May 4thYouth Day event entitled "Talks on A Starry Night" for education on learning and acting on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, also to mark the 104thanniversary of the May 4thMovement and celebrate the 40thanniversary of Shenzhen University (SZU).

    On the evening of May 3, Secretary Qingquan sat on the lawn by Huixing Building, together with some students and teachers from the Marxism College. They looked up to the starry sky and talkedabout youth and dreams joyfully and freely. Also present at the event were Wang Yongcheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Vice President of SZU, Wang Chaojie, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and head of the Publicity Department of SZU, Wang Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee of SZU and Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Marxism College, Fu Heming, Dean of the Marxism College, together with some teachers of ideology and politics, alumni and students of the Marxism College, more than 80 people in total.

    Prof. Wang Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee of SZU and Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Marxism College, chaired the event.

    As the opening of the event, the faculty and the students of the Marxism College recited the essay "Youth" wrote by Li Dazhao, to sing the praises of youth with warm blood and passion and pay a tribute to the revolution martyrs including Li Dazhao.

    The recitation was followed by a speech by Secretary Qingquan on the theme "The history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up". He gave an intriguing and lively lesson of ideology and politics by reviewing the history of innovation and entrepreneurship of SZU and the evolution of Shenzhen's reform and opening up. Speaking highly of "Talks on A Starry Night" organized by the CPC Committee of the Marxism College, he pointed out that this series of events not only helps forge ties with other colleges, but also is combined with a variety of meaningful activities such as Party building, student work, rural revitalization and volunteer teachers in Xinjiang. In line withthe fundamental mission of higher education, that is, cultivating virtuesin students, the event brings into full play to the advantages of the major inMarxism theory, demonstrates the innovative spirit and courage of SZU to blaze new trails and showcases a unique "mobile class of ideology and politics". Secretary Qingquan called for common consensus and maximum effort among the faculty and the students to deepen education on learning and acting on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to help SZU grow into a world-class comprehensive university and set a benchmark for socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the occasion of the 43rdanniversary of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the 40thanniversary of SZU, he expounded the significance and necessity of integrating the study of the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening-up into the ideology and politics course. In the end, Secretary Qingquan called on the students to be a go-getter and pursue their dreams, to bear in mind the ardent expectation of General Secretary Xi Jinping of them to "be good youths of the contemporary times", to live up to the expectations of the times and the people, and to make contribution to SZU’s vision as a world-class comprehensive university and China’s vision as a modern socialist country and to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

    Then the faculty and the students of the Marxism College voiced their views on the topic, "Integrate the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening-up into the ideology and politics class".

    Prof. Fu Heming, Dean of the Marxism College, presided over the workshop.

    Prof. Wang Yongcheng, Vice President of SZU, put forward his viewpoints and suggestions on the next steps of the Marxism College in terms of the significance of the ideology and politics course featuring the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up, the core competitive strengths to be developed by the Marxism College, and the need of the ideology and politics course to keep abreast with the times. Wang Yongcheng added that the Marxism College should seek to cultivate virtues in students as a fundamental mission of the ideology and politics course, perform their unique mission and turn the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up into a subject with academic rationalism and affinity. He noted that the integration of the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up into the ideology and politics class is an important event of the times and we must do it well and create characteristics and advantages. He then called on the students to look up to the sky, stand on solid ground, and be a pious follower, disseminator and practitioner of Marxism.

    Prof. Xu Jianhua, Vice Dean of the Marxism College, talked about the goal of the College to take the study and subject on the history of reform and opening up to the next level and to the acme, by developing the subject, designing the curriculum and compiling textbooks on the history of Shenzhen’s reform and opening up. He introduced the forward-looking and strategic targets and steps of SZU to build the benchmark subject on "the history of Shenzhen’s reform and opening up " in the future.

    Prof. Zhang Shoukui from the Marxism College cited the study of the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up and the conditions of the College and explained how the College should set the target and direction of a unique ideology and politics course. Zhang Shoukui said, without a deep understanding of the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up it is impossible to understand the Chinese way of modernization and the significance of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He also stressed the importance to compile textbooks on the reform and opening up of Shenzhen by highlighting three decisive transitions in the history.

    Associate Prof. Tian Huan from the Marxism College presented a review of the 43-year history of Shenzhen by combining the Chinese traditional culture and the history of Shenzhen SAR and called on the students to leverage the advantages, resources and environment of the SAR-based university and learn and study memories of the SAR by heart.

    Assistant Prof. Ren Heng from the Marxism College gave an interesting, lively and instructive lesson with substantial historical data by picking out some milestones in the history of Shenzhen's reform and opening up. Ren Heng said that every individual living in the contemporary Shenzhen is the subject of history and the creator of history, and every research fellow should be able to tell convincingly why Shenzhen SAR is good and why Shenzhen speed works, and to come up with feasible solutions for the future development of Shenzhen, as well as other cities.

    Inspired and enlightened by the leaders and teachers, the students present said that they were lucky to come to SZU and witness the achievements, changes and developments of Shenzhen over the past more than 40 years, and that it is the right time for them to jump at every opportunity and live up to their mission.

    On the occasion of the 40thanniversary of SZU, the Marxism College planned the knowledge competition entitled "Learn, Think About, Practice and Comprehend the Spirit of the 20thParty Congress, Youths Pursue New Dreams". The idea is to learn, think about, practice and comprehend the spirit of the 20thParty Congress, deepen education on learning Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and follow the Party's decision to give strategic priority to youth-related activities. Four teams competed, namely, the Yuehai Good Youths team specialized in basic principles and the history of Marxism, the Yuehai Sitting Tight in Minibus team specialized in localization of Marxism in China, the Swans in Lake Wenshan team specialized in ideology and politics education, and the Lichi team specialized in the study of basic issues of the modern history of China. The questions covered the history of the Party, the history of reform and opening up, the history of SZU, among other things. The competition among the four teams was intense and thrilling. The event was concluded with awarding and group photo taking.


